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Hair Loss Services

Alopecia & Beyond - Your Trusted Partner in Hair Loss Solutions

Unleash the power of a fuller, healthier head of hair with our personalized solutions. Our expert team utilizes advanced techniques and state-of-the-art technology to address hair loss at its roots.

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to addressing your unique hair loss concerns. Whether you’re dealing with male pattern baldness, female hair thinning, or any other hair loss issue, we have tailored solutions to meet your needs.

Scalp Detox & Stabilization

Our Scalp Detox and Stabilization treatment is your pathway to understanding and improving the health of your scalp. Many people face common issues like product buildup, scabs, scales, and flakes, often leading to discomfort and concerns about hair health. This specialized service is designed to provide essential insights and care for a healthier scalp.

What makes our treatment unique?

  • Natural Ingredients: We prioritize natural hair products with the right pH levels and nourishing ingredients. These elements create a harmonious environment for your scalp.

  • Deep Exfoliation: Our treatment includes a deep exfoliation process to effectively remove impurities, buildup, and debris from your scalp.

  • Optimal Conditions: By stabilizing your scalp, we create the ideal conditions for healthy hair growth. This helps alleviate common issues like itching and flaking.

  • Ideal for Scalp Conditions: If you’ve been dealing with scalp conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis or dandruff, our treatment can provide relief and long-term benefits.

Understanding the significance of a healthy scalp is the first step towards achieving the beautiful hair you desire. 

Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP)

Discover the transformative power of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy for hair loss. This natural, non-surgical procedure involves drawing a small blood sample, processing it in a centrifuge to concentrate platelets, and extracting the Platelet-Rich Plasma. Rich in growth factors, PRP is then strategically injected into the scalp, stimulating hair follicles, promoting hair growth, and enhancing hair thickness.

How PRP therapy works:

  • Blood Sample: We start by drawing a small blood sample, similar to a routine blood test.
  • Centrifugation: This sample is then placed in a centrifuge, a machine that rapidly spins to separate its components, with a focus on isolating the platelets.
  • PRP Extraction: Once separated, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is carefully extracted. PRP contains growth factors, proteins, and bioactive elements vital for the body’s natural healing processes.
  • Injection: The concentrated PRP is then strategically injected into the scalp where hair loss or thinning is evident. These injections awaken dormant hair follicles, stimulate new hair growth, and enhance the quality and thickness of existing hair.


While individual results may vary, PRP therapy offers the potential for improved hair quality and increased hair count, all while harnessing your body’s natural healing mechanisms

Alma TED™

Hair loss is a common concern, and Alma Lasers has introduced an innovative solution with their TED Hair Restoration system. This groundbreaking approach utilizes ultrasound technology and an Impact Delivery tip, offering a pain-free and non-invasive solution for those seeking to rejuvenate their hair.

The TED+ Hair Care Formula, enriched with essential ingredients, plays a crucial role in promoting optimal hair and scalp health. This unique system employs acoustic sound waves and gentle air pressure to anchor hair follicles and enhance the absorption of active components, such as growth factors and peptides. This innovative approach stimulates and strengthens hair, reduces shedding, and encourages new growth.

Benefits of Alma TED Treatment:

  • Pain-free and Non-invasive: Alma Ted offers a comfortable and needle-free approach to hair restoration.
  • TED+ Hair Care Formula: Enriched with essential ingredients, it enhances hair and scalp health for optimal results.
  • Acoustic Sound Waves: Utilizes acoustic sound waves to stimulate and strengthen hair follicles.
  • Air Pressure Technology: Enhances the absorption of growth factors and peptides for improved hair growth.

Reclaim your confidence and unlock the potential for healthier, more vibrant hair today.

Meet with our trichologist for a FREE consultation. 

Or call us at +1 647 609-2154

Meet with our trichologist for a FREE consultation. 

Or call us at
+1 647 609-2154